• Nanosilver in food supplements could potentially harm our cells

    Posted 04.02.2014

    Danish researchers from the Southern University of Denmark have now demonstrated that nano-silver can damage human cells. Many supplements contain nanosilver and it is this exposure that Danish Food Authorities now warns Danes against. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recently concluded that there is insufficient knowledge to determine whether nanosilver is dangerous or not. But it may...

  • Nano in the environment – an unknown risk

    Posted 14.08.2013

    Studies show that nanoparticles can have negative effects on the environment.

    A new article by Louise Sales have summarized recent studies, that have shown different negative effects on the environment. A Dutch study have shown that exposure to certain nanoparticles damage the health of earthworms. In addition, a US study has found an adverse impact on plants and...

  • EU initiates nano communication project

    Posted 14.08.2013

    2.4 million euro from the EU will over the next three years be spent on increasing the communication to the public about nanotechnologies.

    A new project funded by the EU is intended to boost communication to the public about nanotechnologies. The project will focus on six main areas:


    • Developing new strategies for outreach and dialogue along nanotechnology value...