Carbon nanotubes were found in the lungs of children
Posted 21.10.2015
In a scientific study published in EBioMedicine, carbon nanotubes were found in the lungs of children in Paris suffering from asthma (see http://www.ebiomedicine.com/article/S2352-3964%2815%2930175-4/abstract).
The study is the first to show that people are regularly exposed and the source of...
New nanofood database relies on The Nanodatabase and finds more than 300 products common food products entail nanomaterials
Posted 14.10.2015
The Center for Food Safety (CFS) in the USA has just released a new searchable database of consumer food products that contain nanotechnology. One of the sources is The Nanodatabase.
The database contains almost 300 food products and food contact products that use “nano” spaning more than 40 different materials.
See the new database at
Nanoparticles in the work environment - a risk for male fertility?
Posted 06.10.2015
Research from the National Research Centre for the Working Environment in Denmark has shown that inhalation of nanoparticles could potentially affect sperm quality.
The studies were carried out on mice in two different experimental setups. First, adult male mice were directly exposed to nanoparticles and subsequently observed to have a significantly decreased production of sperm as well...