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Sweden’s largest nanosafety research programme – Mistra Environmental Nanosafety – launches phase two
Big buzz on nanomaterials in France, 50% threshold with regard to nanomaterial definition criticized
Nano Silver Used in Face Masks
Nanoparticle-delivered COVID-19 vaccine candidate
Nanotechnology-derived graphene used in face masks
Nano-silver is no longer approved under the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) for specific uses
Titanium dioxide: E171 no longer considered safe when used as a food additive
New definition of the term ’nanomaterial’ out for stakeholder consultation
More safety data needed on copper nanomaterials in cosmetics!
Nanoplastics found within disposable face masks
CEFIC assessing impact of EU chemicals strategy on members – biggest project ever conducted by the branch organization
Annual status report from the Commission on the use of nanomaterials released
Core elements of the new nanomaterial definition are questioned in stakeholder consultation
The use of Titanium Dioxide (E171) will be banned in 2022 by EU
Initial finding in a study on the presence of titanium dioxide in face masks is presented
ECHA may have overestimated number of substances with nanoform on the EU market - low number of REACH nano registrations bother ECHA, blames industry
OECD evaluation of 32 nanomaterials exposure assessment tools
REACH committee to debate restriction proposal on microplastics excludes nanoparticles
Unlabeled nano substances found in 20 out of 23 substances sold in the French market
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