Nano-silver is no longer approved under the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) for specific uses

The European Commission has listed ten active substances, which includes nano silver, that are no longer approved under the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) for specific uses.
The substances were listed in the biocidal review programme, but had no companies backing the chemicals. ECHA wasn’t able to find new backers for the chemicals. The Commission will amend Annex II to the BPR and is likely to be adopted in June this year, see the Commission regulation:
The non-approval in nano-silver concerns the use in product-types two (disinfectants and algaecides not intended for direct application to humans or animals), four (food and feed area disinfectants), and nine (fibre, leather, rubber and polymerized materials preservatives).
We currently have 125 biocidal products in our database, where 66 (53%) of them are nano silver. Of these 66 nano silver products, 39 (59%) of them falls under the categories of the products types two, four and nine. Most of these, 36, are in the product-type two that concerns disinfectants and algaecides. See the analysis section of our database for more information on biocidal products:
For information about all ten substances: