More than 1000 products added in less than 6 months

In June of this year, we added product number 4000 to The Nanodatabase. Now, less than 6 months have passed and we have now reached product number 5000 in the database. An in-depth analysis of our work is available in the December issue of Nature Nanotechnology under the titel: “Advances and challenges towards consumerization of nanomaterials”. Link to full article in Nature Nanotechnology:
Silver is still the nanomaterial reported to be used the most in the Nanodatabase, with 10% of the products, where titanium and titanium dioxide are accounting for 7% of the products, and carbon, carbon black and carbon nanotubes accounts for 4% of the products. The largest portion of nanomaterials falls under the category ‘unknown’, which accounts for 70,1% of the overall products in the database. Most of the products find themselves in the “Health and Fitness” category (62%), followed by “Home and Garden” (17%), and “Automotive (11%).
As of recently, the Nanodatabase also features a regulatory component available at: – here it’s possible to find information about how different regulations consider nanomaterials.
For more information about the information in the Nanodatabase, see our Analysis section of the Nanodatabase