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What is Nano ?

One nanometer is one millionth of a millimeter. Or, in other words, about 100,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair.

The size relationship between a nanometer and a football corresponds to the size relationship between a football and the globe.

Nanotechnology means working with very small materials: less than 100 nanometers (nm).



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Unlabeled nano substances found in 20 out of 23 substances sold in the French market

The French NGO, Avicenn has found unlabeled nano substances in 20...


REACH committee to debate restriction proposal on microplastics excludes nanoparticles

Today, September 23rd, a draft proposal set out by the European Commission to restrict intentionally added microplastics is being debated at the REACH committee. The Commission looks to...


OECD evaluation of 32 nanomaterials exposure assessment tools

The OECD has evaluated 32 tools that can assist in the exposure assessment of Nanomaterials  The 32 tools and models evaluated by OECD are specifically developed for assessing consumer and...

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