3LAB Perfect BB Cream – Shade 3

  • Manufacturer 3Lab
  • Nanomaterial Unknown
  • Category Health and Fitness, Cosmetics, Personal Care, Sunscreen
Nano Risk Category (See how this is generated)


  • Professional

  • Consumers

  • Environment



  • Humans

  • Environment


Product Information

Infused with 3LAB’s signature Bio- Engineered Renewal Complex and Apple Stem Cell Technology, PERFECT BB SPF 40 is a sheer tinted moisturizer that brightens, moisturizes, and protects the while also making it look more flawless.

Manufacturer's description

Infused with 3LAB’s signature Bio- Engineered Renewal Complex and Apple Stem Cell Technology, PERFECT BB SPF 40 is a sheer tinted moisturizer that brightens, moisturizes, and protects the while also making it look more flawless.

Others Say

Das 3LAB Forschungsteam besteht aus führenden Dermatologen und Wissenschaftlern. Ihnen gelang es mit der biotechnologischen Entwicklung von Nano-Clair GY™ erstmals einen Wirkstoffkomplex nachzubauen, der die Wirkweise des für alle Beautyprozesse so essentiellen, natürlichen Wachstumshormons HGH simuliert.


  • Unknown
  • Unknown Multi material waste
  • Suspended in liquid
  • Denmark European Union
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